Out of State MDs and PAs and Retired WV MDs and PAs Can Register to Practice in WV During State of Emergency

Due to the State of Emergency declared by the Governor, physicians and/or physician assistants licensed in another state or who are inactive or retired from West Virginia practice may provide medical care in West Virginia under special provisions during the period of the declared emergency, subject to such limitations and conditions as the Governor may prescribe. 

The West Virginia Board of Medicine has promulgated an emergency rule to create a registration process for eligible physicians and physician assistants to practice in West Virginia during the COVID-19 State of Emergency.  Emergency Rule 11 CSR 14, Registration to Practice During Declared State of Emergency, became effective on March 26, 2020.  To be eligible to practice pursuant to this rule, the physician or physician assistant must register with the Board. This rule creates an emergency registration process for the following providers who want to provide medical care in West Virginia under special provisions during the period of the declared emergency:  

  1. physicians who hold unrestricted licensure in another state;

  2. physician assistants who hold unrestricted licensure in another state;

  3. certain inactive or expired status West Virginia physicians; and

  4. certain expired status West Virginia physician assistants.

Registrants may practice medicine in West Virginia consistent with their scope of practice and the standard of care, and may practice in person or via telemedicine technologies to West Virginia patients.  Registered physician assistants must practice in collaboration with physicians pursuant to a Practice Agreement or Practice Notification.  

The rule establishes a registration process, articulates eligibility criteria and authorizes practice for registrants through the declared state of emergency.  To register, providers must submit a one-page registration form and photo ID.   There is no fee for registration under the emergency rule.  The Board is currently accepting registrations.  

To register, out of state physicians and physician assistants: (1)  must hold a valid, permanent, current, and unrestricted license to practice in another state; (2) must not be the subject of a pending or active complaint, investigation, Consent Order, Board Order or pending disciplinary proceeding in any jurisdiction; and (3) must not have not surrendered a license while under investigation or had a license revoked in any jurisdiction.   

Inactive and retired physicians and physician assistants are eligible to register if they: (1) were in good standing at the time their  West Virginia license became inactive or expired; (2) have participated in active clinical practice within the last five years; (3) no longer hold an active status medical or physician assistant license in any state;   (4) are not the subject of a pending or active complaint, investigation, Consent Order, Board Order or pending disciplinary proceeding in any jurisdiction; and (5) have not surrendered a  license while under investigation or had a license revoked in any jurisdiction.   

If you know a provider who meets the criteria to register for practice in West Virginia during a declared state of emergency, please share this information.  Applications are available on the Board’s website.


Out of State Licensed MD Registration For Emergency Practice

Retired or Inactive Status West Virginia MD Registration For Emergency Practice


Out of State Licensed PA Registration For Emergency Practice

Retired WV PA Registration For Emergency Practice